Smart & Tasty 1: Good Food Moves
“Shake, Mix, Pound, Roll!” These delicious tunes teach young children how to have FUN while they learn about HEALTHY EATING. This blend of gross motor and educational songs teaches the whole child. Kids learn good table manners, locomotor through the farmer’s market, shake & mix up a recipe, gather by food groups, step over vines, find the fruit, clean up, make food art, dance a hula, and more. Eat right and get active! Includes 7 Spanish versions, as well as, 6 instrumentals for more interaction, background music, looping and personal creativity. A quick-view guide is printed on the inside cover. WINNER! 2006 Parents' Choice Approved Award. Featured in Head Start's "I am Moving. I am Learning" (IMIL) Anti-obesity Campaign.
"An enjoyable food-themed album with an eye toward educating children about nutrition and healthy choices...." Lahri Bond ©2006 Parents' Choice
Main Menu:
- 1. We Love the Company 1:41
- 2. Days Old 2:04
- 3. Down, Down Baby 2:04
- 4. Farmer’s Market 2:22
- 5. Shake, Mix, Pound, Roll 2:29
- 6. I Lost My Basket 3:37
- 7. Vitamins 1:55
- 8. My Favorite Game 2:30
- 9. Aloha! 2:24
- 10. Wild Vines 2:58
- 11. After We Cook 1:37
- 12. If I Lived on an Island 2:19
- 13. Show Me You Love Me 3:35
- 14. What Can I Make? 2:44
- 15. What Else Can I Make? 2:44
Spanish Flavor:
- 16. We Love the Company 1:45
- 17. Farmer’s Market 2:23
- 18. Days Old 2:03
- 19. Down, Down Baby 2:02
- 20. Shake, Mix, Pound, Roll 2:05
- 21. My Favorite Game 2:29
- 22. Lost My Basket (Food Groups) 3:35
A la Carte (Instrumentals):
- 23. Down, Down Baby 2:02
- 24. Shake, Mix, Pound, Roll 2:29
- 25. If I Lived on an Island 2:19
- 26. Wild Vines 2:59
- 27. What Can I Make? 2:44
- 28. Show Me You Love Me 3:33
Smart & Tasty 2
“Scissor kick your celery sticks!” The second in a series of scrumptious tunes that teach young children how to have FUN while they learn about HEALTHY EATING and getting PHYSICALLY ACTIVE. This tasty mix of gross motor and educational songs teaches the whole child. Kids learn to toss the apples, leap with bananas, get active in the farmer’s garden, pop like corn, scissor kick their celery sticks, make a pizza step-by step, move with the colors on their plate, criss cross apple sauce, pour, whip, chop and toss up a recipe, and more. The collection includes instrumentals for more interaction, background music, looping and personal creativity. A quick-view guide is printed on the inside cover.
Main Menu
- 1. Abracadabra 2:55
- 2. One Banana 2:42
- 3. Corn, It Pops! 1:60
- 4. Farmer’s Garden 2:25
- 5. Go! Whoa! 2:55
- 6. Pour, Whip, Chop, Toss 2:30
- 7. Crisscross Applesauce 2:07
- 8. We Toss the Apples 1:58
- 9. Pizza Time 3:46
- 10. We Eat Tortillas 2:13
- 11. We Eat Food That’s Hot 1:49
- 12. Shout! 2:06
- 13. A Rainbow on My Plate 2:05
- 14. Peanut Butter Blues 2:20
- 15. I’m Feeling Kinda Sick 1:44
- 16. Take Me Out to the Drive-Thru 3:07
Spanish Flavor
A La Carte
- 18. Abracadabra 2:48
- 19. One Banana 2:42
- 20. Corn it Pops 1:55
- 21. Go! Whoa! 2:55
- 22. Crisscross Applesauce 2:07
- 23. Pizza Time 3:46
- 24. I Eat Food That's Hot 1:49
- 25. Peanut Butter Blues 2:20
- 26. Feeling Kinda 1:44